SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Agreement (The)

  • Accord (L')
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2022
Format : Feature
Running time : 93 (in minutes)

Flora, an 18-year old student in her final year of school, living in a poor neighborhood, is discovered drugged and raped at a party organized by Cédric, her boyfriend who lives in a residential area. To avoid a scandal, Cédric's family offer a large sum of money to Flora's parents for an agreement of confidentiality.

starring / avec
Vanessa Ambassa, Jakin Touwole, Thérèse Ngono

a film by / un film de
Frank Thierry LÉA MALLE

Cameroon, 2022, Feature narrative, 1h21, Drama

2nd Feature Narrative by the filmmaker / 2è long-métrage Fiction par ce cinéaste

The family of a raped young girl is confronted to a difficult choice, either seek for justice or sign a non-disclosure agreement in consideration of a huge sum of money.
The idea behind this film is to show how moral principles of some individuals are challenged when facing a difficult situation. It is equally an opportunity to highlight the existing gap between rich and poor families in Cameroon and show how each family addresses these difficulties.
The themes discussed in The Agreement are on trend and common to all human societies. However, they are discussed in a particular way and from a different perspective from what is generally observed; that will undoubtedly raise questionings within the public.
The story in The Agreement will make us discover Yaounde's slums and beautiful neighbourhoods as well as its assets. The aim being to show the behaviours of the different social classes in their area of residence.

French Title / Titre français : L'ACCORD
English Title / Titre en anglais : THE AGREEMENT
Country / Pays : Cameroon / Cameroun
Production Year /. Année de production : 2022
Runtime / Durée : 1h11 (71 minutes)

Vanessa AMBASSA........................... Flora
Jakin TOUWOLE............................... Cédric
Thérèse NGONO...........................
Reine MPOUADINA...........................
Anthony NDEUCH...........................
Moussa SINDJAH...........................
Ebenezer KEPOMBIA...........................

Director / Réalisateur : LÉA MALLE Frank Thierry
Screenplay / Scénario : Frank Thierry Léa Malle

Inception Arts et Com (Yaoundé)
Canal+ International (France)


* World Premiere | Special Mention by the Jury /// 11st Luxor African Film Festival - 2022 LAFF (Luxor, Egypt) | with filmmaker in attendance | www.luxorafricanfilmfestival.com/en/Festival/Film/Long%20Narrative/L'accord%20(The%20Agreement)

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- www.luxorafricanfilmfestival.com/fr/Festival/Film/Long%20Narrative/L'accord%20(The%20Agreement)
- www.am-fm.ca/laccord/
- https://afsc.fr/work/laccord/
- www.leetchi.com/c/l-accord
- www.imdb.com/title/tt22440754/
- www.canalolympia.com/en/movies/laccord-en/
- www.canalplus.com/cm/cinema/l-accord/h/19858336_50001
- https://mediatudecmr.com/laccord-sur-canal-premiere-le-mardi-4-octobre/
- https://lefilmcamerounais.com/2022/05/13/review-laccord-une-oeuvre-emouvante-dauthenticite/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 14 Feb 2023


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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