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Isaano Rwanda Culture

Right man at the right place (The)

  • Homme qu'il faut à la place qu'il faut (L')
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title : A megfelelő ember a megfelelő helyen [Hungarian title]
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 65 (in minutes)

Tartalom [Hungarian]
Guinea fővárosában, Conakry-ban, a People's Palace bejárati csarnokában Fadouba Oularé lenyűgöző képmását láthatjuk. A festmény a tradicionális ütőhangszerrel, a djembével együtt, embereitől körülvéve, felemelt karabélyával és forradalmi fáklyával a kezében ábrázolja a zenészt. Ő testesíti meg a jelmondatot, melyet a Sékou Touré kormány a guineai lakosság mozgósítására talált ki: "a megfelelő ember a megfelelő helyen". Fadouba Oularé zenéje a saját környezete és a történelem lenyomatát őrzi.

Rendező: Imbert-bouchard Matthieu, Dupire Cédric
Producer: Aglibert Jérôme
Operatőr: Dupire Cédric
Vágó: Tourrès Charlotte
Hangmérnök: Dupire Cédric, Verner Carole

Gyártó: Studio Shaiprod
Forgalmazó: Studio Shaiprod

Népcsoport: malinké
Földrész: Nyugat-Afrika
Ország: Guinea - gn
Lokalitás: Conakry


In Conakry (capital of Guinea), in the entrance hall of the People's Palace, an imposing fresco at the effigy of Fadouba oularé, is hanged enthroned. He is represented with his Djembe, surrounded by his people, his rifle and the feast raised. He is the incarnation of the slogan sent out by the Sékou Touré government to mobilize the Guinean population: "the right man at the right place". Fadouba Oularé's music is imprinted by his environment and by history. Both a vital ritual in all local celebrations and a fundamental element of the Guinean revolution, his music also assumes a mystical dimension. As complex as his music, Fadouba Oularé is first of all an artist, but also the head of clan, a soldier, a thief hunter and a medicine man. Through Fadouba Oularé's character are conveyed both traditional Mandingue's music, the history of a nation and the difficulties encountered by its people today.

Director: Matthieu Imbert-Bouchard, Cédric Dupire
Producer: Jérôme Aglibert
Cinematographer: Cédric Dupire
Editor: Charlotte Tourrès
Sound: Cédric Dupire, Carole Verner

Original title: L'homme qu'il faut à la place qu'il faut
English title: The Right Man at the Right Place
Hungarian title: A megfelelő ember a megfelelő helyen

Country of the production: France - fr
Year of production: from 2006 to 2008
Year of shooting: 2006
Length of the film: 65 min
Colouring: colour
Standard format: DV
Recording format: DV
Original language: malinké
Language of subtitle: English

Production/Distributor: Studio Shaiprod

Etnic group: Malinké
Continent: Western Africa
Country: Guinea - gn
Location (City, village, region, mountains, etc.): Conakry

TipologyType: non-fiction film
Form: documentary film, portrait

Related sciences Arts: zene
Social science: cultural anthropology
Keywords: identity, spirituality, way of living

2009 | Dialëktus European Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival 2009 | Budapest, Hungary | 3th - 8th March 2009 | www.dialektusfesztival.hu/2009/festival?lang=en
* Selection


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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