2 files
In Binaparba, a Bassar village in Northern Togo, the power of "T'bool", the sacred fire dance, is transmitted from generation to generation, from secret to secret. Not everyone is entitled to become priest-diviner, custodian of the fire dance secrets. Yet, since birth, Napo was predestined to be "the custodian of all secrets governing the visible and invisible worlds".
A film by Joel M'Maka Tchédré
Togo, 2019, documentary, 35 mins
Durée/Length: 35 mn
Format: DVD 16/9, mp4 16/9
Réalisateur/Director: Joel M'Maka Tchedre
Scenario/Script: Joel M'Maka Tchedre
Images/Pictures: Aurel Adomou
Son/Sound: Anicet Bayamina
Montage/Editing: Anicet Bayamina
Contact: 00228 92 73 51 11
2019 | 26th Fespaco, OUAGA
* Competition - Short Documentaries
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale
* Screening: Thursday 28 Février, at 6:30 PM, Ciné NEERWAYA.
* Screening: Friday 1st March, at 11 AM, CANAL OLYMPIA Ouaga 2000