SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture


Release date : Thursday 26 april 2012
Genre : Novel

Book ISBN number : 9782332482884
Pages : 212
Principal country concerned : Column : Literature

Helena, a woman abandoned by her husband, is left alone to raise her young son, Amédée. The author depicts a matriarchal society where the role of women is increasingly present in everyday life. A constant, daily struggle with men. Rising unemployment, problems of adaptation in a two-tier society. Helena is atypical, not very talkative; we follow her progress through the descriptions she wants to offer about what her real life is really like. Through these, we get a glimpse of the complexities of Guadeloupean society, with the Soufrière eruption in 1976 as a backdrop; eruption that drastically changed the tranquility of an island and disrupted its mores.


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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