SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Tawonga Taddja Nkhonjera

Tawonga Taddja Nkhonjera
© DR
Film director, Theatre director, Producer, Screenwriter, Chief executive officer (ceo)
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Malawian Film Director, Scriptwriter, Producer and Theater Director.

He is sometimes credited as
Taonga Taddja NKHONJERA
Taddja Nkhonjera

Born 1983, he is an author and poet, a theatre director, a recording ethnomusicologist and screenwriter. After working on several short films, documentaries, music videos, and working on the award-winning film, "The Last Fishing Boat", Nkhonjera wrote and directed his debut feature "B'ella" (2014). He is also founder (in 2010) of Dikamawoko Arts Organization (Blantyre, Malawi).

Tadja is one of the young Malawian who have made a great strides in the devolopment of the creative industry, Tadja is multitalented yougn artists who is the writer, Film producer, Theatre actor, as well as a singer. The young talented man has just produced his Film called BELLA (2014). The film has been exhibited on international level in France and other European countries.
The film has won a great preview in Malawi and it has appreciated by many.
Film industry has many challenges for it to develop and Tadja has made it possible to show that he is detaimed to develop the film industry and he insipired many youthful Malawian to venture into the film making in Malawi.


CS (Česky)

O režisérovi, Tawonga Taddja Nkhonjera

Tawonga Taddja Nkhonjera (1983, Malawi) patří k talentovaným africkým umělcům, je básníkem, divadelním režisérem, etnomuzikologem a scenáristou. Je rovněž zakladatelem a ředitelem umělecké organizace Dikamawoko Arts. Velmi často se snaží reflektovat témata, která mohou být v Malawi tabuizována. Natočil několik krátkometrážních snímků, dokumentů a hudebních videoklipů - spolupracoval mimo jiné na oceněném filmu The Last Fishing Boat (cena za nejlepší hudbu od Africké filmové akademie). Film B'ella je jeho celovečerní debut a letos v červnu byl v mezinárodní premiéře uveden na filmovém festivalu v Zanzibaru.



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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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