SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Barbados Community College Division of Fine Arts

© Barbados Community College
Tel. : 246-426-2858 Ext. 5262
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Artistic expression is a human gift! It represents our ability to speak through thought-provoking art.


Yet the Arts are often seen by the uninitiated as a vague, abstract concept. That's why at BCC, our Fine Arts programmes not only teach students about the importance of the Arts for their own development. They teach them how to teach others.


Our diverse programmes ensure that students receive a thorough grounding in practical, technical and theoretical aspects of training in the arts.  They develop skills and capabilities that prepare them for a wide range of cultural, educational, performance and design professions. 


Our commitment


We're committed to giving our students an educational experience which incorporates a diversity of approaches while maintaining a high level of expertise and intellectual rigour.

In addition to our educational programmes, we present:

exhibitions and performances

public lectures

film screenings


These contribute to a vibrant environment for students and the wider public, fully embracing the concept of a 'community'.


Faculty – key resource


One of the most important resources within the Division of Fine Arts is our faculty of full and part-time teachers, many of whom are also leading practitioners in their fields as:







They are committed to developing the creative potential of students and, by extension, to raising the level of the visual and performing arts throughout the wider society. Graduates of our programmes are currently contributing to a wide cross-section of professions in education, entertainment and the commercial fields, while some are independent practitioners.


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of