SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Cart Driver (The)

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Charretier (Le) | Wagoner (The)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1963
Format : Short
Running time : 22 (in minutes)
Film Black & white

A fascinating snapshot of life in Dakar. Sembene's first film, Borom Sarret ("cart owner") chronicles a day in the life of a beleaguered horse-cart driver in Dakar. In spite of the material limitations of the production - if not because of the challenges they posed - Borom Sarret manages to create a powerful social statement as it combines simple means with complex observations on bureaucracy, religion, and the anonymity of the modern city. Compressing his narrative into a mere nineteen minutes, Sembene conveys the condition of Senegal's urban poor as he situates their experience in the larger social panorama of post-independence Africa. Directed by Ousmane Sembene Senegal, 1963, b/w, 19 min, French with English subtitles with Abdoulaye Ly


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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