SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Jean de Dieu (John of God)

Genre : Comedy
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Feature
Running time : 86 (in minutes)

Brandon a New York wannabe filmmaker gets the opportunity of a lifetime. He is travelling to Africa to make a film on a Congolese musician. Follow Brandon and his crew, with little help from their inept ‘producer "Guy", as they capture the sights and sounds of Congo's capital city Kinshasa, through the eyes of John of God, the World's Greatest Musician…in his own mind.

A film by Selé M'Poko

Congo DRC | 2015 | fiction | 86' | English / Lingala / French with English subtitles, 16/16, comedy

starring Ferre Gola, Jean Shaka, Moïse Ilunga


Alessia Michielan

Pamela Lubell

T. Woody Richman

Henri Scars Struck
Composer/Music Supervisor

Daniel Albertse
Director of Photography

GK Reid
Costume Designer

Jo D. Jonz as "Brandon"
Jean Shaka as "Guy"
Moise Ilunga as "John of God"
Diane Kamuanga as "Sandra"
Férré Gola as "Dieudonné"

Production : JoG Productions
in association with Pix Images

Written and Directed by Selé



Giovanni di Dio è il più grande musicista del mondo... beh nella sua testa. Brandon, un regista americano, viene mandato a Kinshasa - Congo, a girare un film sulla vita del musicista. Con l'aiuto di un inetto "produttore", il suo talento verrà messo a dura prova.

di Selé M'Poko

Congo RDC| 2015 | fiction | 86' | VOSTFR 16/16, comedia

cast: Ferre Gola, Jean Shaka, Moïse Ilunga


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of