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Isaano Rwanda Culture

Maillot Operation

  • Opération Henri Maillot (Amaliat Maillot)
Genre : Historical
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

lgeria, 1956. Soldier Henri Maillot, a member of the Algerian Communist Party (PCA), deserts the French army with a hoard of weapons destined to arm the rebellion. While the PCA attempts to establish formal contacts with the National Liberation Front (FLN) to unify their struggle, a dozen Communist fighters organize themselves independently and hide out in various houses across Algiers. Hunted down by the French army, the group is finally surrounded. Henry is killed as well as Maurice Laban, veteran of the war in Spain alongside the Republicans.

Un film de Okacha TOUITA

Algeria, 2015, Feature drama, Historical / war

starring Martin Pautard, Menad M'barek, Mathieu Brion, Aimed Benchenni, Miloud Khetib, Collette Krafe, Mabrok Ferroudji

Director : Okacha Touita
Screenwriters : Okacha Touita, Nadine Char
Cinematographer : Sofiane El Fani
Editor : Pascale Alibert
Music : Adrien Dennefeld
Cast : Martin Pautard, Menad M'barek, Mathieu Brion, Aimed Benchenni, Miloud Khetib, Collette Krafe, Mabrok Ferroudji

Film production and Sales:
Agence algérienne pour le rayonnement culturel, contact@aarcalgerie.org.

Yacine Leloui, Lunja Production, 28 rue des frères Boussalem, Douera, 16049 Alger (Algérie), lunjaprod@gmail.com

2015 | 39th Festival des Films du Monde / World Film festival, MONTREAL, Canada | 27 Aug to 7 Sep 2015
* Selection : Regards sur les cinémas du monde / Focus on World Cinema
* Screening: Saturday August 29, 2015 - 11:30 AM - CINÉMA QUARTIER LATIN 13
* Screening: Sunday August 30, 2015 - 08:00 PM - CINÉMA QUARTIER LATIN 13


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of