SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Moi et mon Blanc

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : ME AND MY WHITE MAN
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2002
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Mamadi, a student from Burkina Faso, and Franck, a young Frenchman, have jobs as night watchmen in a car park. On the CCTV surveillance screens, they watch various comings and go-ings, prostitution and drug trafficking as they happen among the parking cars. One night, Mamadi finds an abandoned package stuffed with drugs and money. He and Franck decide to keep the loot but soon become targets for the dealers… They hide for a time at Franck's place and then fly to Ouagadougou… Each discovers the world of the other in this adventure. Réalisation-Directed by : Pierre Yameogo, 2002 Scénario-Screenplay : Pierre Yameogo Image-Cinematography : Jurg Hassler Son-Sound : Issa Traoré, Claude Hivernon Montage-Editor : Manuel Pinto Musique-Music : Ray Ainsi Lema Production : Dunia Productions, Les Films de l'Espoir, Thelma Films AG Interprètes-Cast : Serge Bayala (Mamadi), Pierre Loup Rajot (Franck), Ray Ainsi Lema (Souleymane), Tom Novembre (Raoul), Anne Roussel (La Blonde), Bruno Predebon (Max), Samuel Poirier (Phil), Micheline Compaoré (La Lumière) Prix du public - Fespaco 2003 Prix RFI - Fespaco 2003 Prix de la ville de Turin - 2003


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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