SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Nha fala - My Voice

Genre : Musical
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2003
Format : Feature
Running time : 89 (in minutes)

Em Cabo Verde, todos os acontecimentos que regem a vida social viram música. Mas na família da jovem Vita, uma lenda promete a morte a quem tentar. Na França, onde Vita estuda, ela encontra Pierre, músico, por quem se apaixona. Ela canta e Pierre descobre a beleza de sua voz, convencendo-a a gravar um disco que se torna sucesso. Mas Vita desafiou a tradição e decide voltar para casa para confessar à sua família e receber o castigo.

(França/França/Guiné Bissau/Luxemburgo/Portugal, 2002).

De Flora Gomes. Com Ângelo Torres, Bia Gomes, Danielle Evenou, Fatou Ndiaye, François Hadji-Lazaro, Jean-Christophe Dollé, Jorge Biague, José carlos Imbombo. Drama em Cores. Duração 90'.

Disponível para locação com legendas em português do brasil, francês, inglês (estados unidos), no formato DVD

Vita, 20, leaves her native town of Guinea Bissau for Paris to finish her studies. Before to leave, she promises her mother not to sing, as an old legend professes that any woman who dares to sing is to be cursed fatally. In Paris, Vita meets Pierre, a young musician. She falls in love with him and accepts to sing. ! While she is worried about the consequences of her act, Pierre marvels at her talent. He encourages her to make a record. Success is immediate, but Vita is even more concerned that her family should find about her "fault". She decides to go home with Pierre in order to share her newfound happiness. But how are her kin about to react?

(Guinea-Bissau/Kap Verde)

Durée-Lenght : 90'
Réalisation-Directed by : Flora Gomes
Scénario-Screenplay : Flora Gomes, Franck Moisnard
Image-Cinematography : Edgar Moura
Son-Sound : Pierre Donnadieu
Montage-Editor : Dominique Paris
Musique-Music : Manu Dibango
Décor-Set : Véronique Sacrez
Production : Fado Filmes, Les Films de Mai, Samsa Film, avec le soutien du ministère des Affaires étrangères (ADC-Sud)
Distribution : Pierre Grise Distribution

Interprètes-Cast : Fatou N'Diaye (Vita), Jean-Christophe Dollé (Pierre), Angelo Torres (Yano), Bia Gomes (mère de Vita), Jorge Biague (Mito le fou), José Carlos Imbombo (Caminho), François Hadji-Lazaro (Björn), Danielle Evenou (mère de Pierre).


2004: Cinemafrica Film Festival 2004 | STOCKHOLM, Sweden | 2004
> Selection

2002 : Mostra de Venise | Venise, Italie | 2002
> Compétition officielle


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Nha fala - Bande annonce Vost FR

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Nha Fala (Ma voix)

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Hommage à Flora Gomes - FIFA 2009

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Nha Fala - A Minha Voz (Trailer)



  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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