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Isaano Rwanda Culture

Our Forbidden Places

Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title : I Nostri luoghi proibiti [Italy]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 105 (in minutes)

Since the beginning of the 1960's, and worsening in the 1970's and 1980's, Moroccan authorities have resorted to torture and forced disappearances. Systematically members of a variety of opposition groups, as well as "ordinary" citizens, were abducted and detained illegally in secret centers. Barracks, farms and villas, airport hangars were all used as detention centres… In 2004, the King of Morocco launched an Equity and Reconciliation Commission to investigate state violence during the "years of lead". For three years, the film accompanies four families in their search for the truth: activist, young rebel soldier or simple citizen, either they or their relations were imprisoned in different widely spread parts of Morocco. Each person tries to "find out", discover a "reason", mourn. But, forty years later, the state secret finally unveils the existence of another, more intimate secret, the family secret. They all feel the need to reconstruct history and recover their parents, taken from them twice over, once by their disappearance and another by the secret. Selecting among the deeply-set silences, lies and taboos in and outside of the families, over a period of forty years… Leila Kilani Morocco 2008 80 minutes Rated 15 Arabic with English subtitles FESTIVALS / AWARDS / SCREENINGS / TELEVISIONS 2009 | 4th Real Life Documentary Film Festival | ACCRA, Ghana | 18 > 25-05-2009 | www.ka-yelema.org * In Competition Fespaco 2009 First Prize for the best Documentary _ ITALIANO Qualche anno dopo l'indipendenza e per quattro decenni il Marocco ha praticato la tortura e la sparizione forzata delle persone. La quasi totalità di chi veniva arrestato per esprimere opinioni o questioni politiche fu vittima di torture fisiche o morali durante la prigionia. Il film racconta quel periodo attraverso la testimonianza di quattro famiglie, seguite dalla regista per tre anni, mentre in Marocco ha luogo il processo per la verità e la riconciliazione, voluto nel 2004 dal re. Marocco / Francia - 2008 Regia: Leïla Kilani Sceneggiatura: Leïla Kilani Fotografia: Eric Devin, Benoît Chamaillard Montaggio: Leïla Kilani, Tina Baz Suono: Meryem Rene Formato: Video Durata: 108 min. Versione originale: Arabo Produzione: CDP (Catherine Dussart Production), Socco-Chico Distribuzione Socco Chico - Leïla Kilani: tel. +33 662373394; kilanileila@gmail.com / INA - Michèle Gautard: tel. +33 149 832800; mgautard@ina.fr Premi Tangier National Film Festival 2009 (Premio per il Cinquantesimo Anniversario), Fespaco 2009 (Primo Premio Concorso Documentari)


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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