SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

River Niger, Black Mother

  • River Niger, Black Mother
Type : Documentary
Original title : Fleuve Niger, Mère noire
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1989
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 43 (in minutes)

RIVER NIGER, BLACK MOTHER follows the 4184-kilometer-long River Niger from its source in Guinea through Mali, Niger and Benin to Nigeria. A passionate ode to the river, the cultures that have arisen on its shores and its role in African history, accompanied by a lyrical commentary.

A film by Ola Balogun

Nigeria/France, 1989, documentary, 43‘, OV (engl.), 16 mm

Prod: Polystar Productions / CEE

2017 | Ola Balogun - Pioneer of Nigerian cinema | 13-19 janvier 2017 | BERLIN, Germany
* Retrospective, at Kino Arsenal
* Projection / Screening: January 19, 7.30pm, with an introduction by Dorothee Wenner


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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