SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Santa Clauz

  • Baba Noël
© Courtesy Cozes 2013
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Short
Running time : 16 (in minutes)

Between the construction site where he works in secret and the apartment in which he squats with other illegal immigrants, Foued lives in fear of being arrested. Until the day when he is proposed a well paid job, with the assurance to remain invisible.

Directed by Walid Mattar
Produced by Barney Production

Category : Fiction
Runtime : 16 min
Production year : 2012

Walid Mattar

Dridi Helmi (Foued)
Sofiène Mhamdi (Sofiène)

Associate production company : Barney Production
Film export/Foreign Sales : Premium Films
Full credits

Executive Producer : Saïd Hamich
Screenwriters : Walid Mattar, Thomas Cailley
Director of Photography : Laurent Navarri
Sound Recordist : Nicolas Rhode
Assistant Operator : Jacques Girault
Editor : Lilian Corbeille
Sound Editor : Laurent Blahay
Production Designer : Marie d'Alençon
Music Composers : Dorothée Mattar, Marion Taupin
Costume Designer : Jeanne Birckel
Special Effects : Hoël Sainléger
Sound Mixer : Lionel Guenoun

Short film
Genres : Fiction
Sub-genre : Drama
Themes : Exile, Exodus, Immigration, Society
Production language : French, Arabic
EOF : Inconnu
Nationality : 100% French (France)
Production year : 2012
Runtime : 16 min
Visa number : 130.738
Visa issue date : 26/02/2013
Production formats : HD-CAM
Screening format : DCP - Blu-ray
Color type : Color
Aspect ratio : 1.85
Sound format : Dolby SR




DIRECTOR: Walid Mattar
GENERO: Ficción
PAÍS: Francia
AÑO: 2012
CARACTERÍSTICAS: 15' | Color | Francés, árabe

Dirección / Director: Walid Mattar
Producción / Producer: Saïd Hamich
Guión / Screenplay: Walid Mattar, Thomas Cailley
Fotografía / Cinematography: Laurent Navarri
Montaje / Editing: Lilian Corbeille
Sonido / Sound: Nicolas Rhode; Laurent Blahay; Lionel Guenoun
Música / Music: Dorothée Mattar and Marion Taupin
Intérpretes / Cast: Helmi Dridi

Premios / Awards:
Premio al Mejor Realizador, Encuentro Anual de Realizadores de Cine Tunecinos 2013
Premio al Mejor Guión, Festival de Cortometrajes de Ouejda 2013


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of