SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Slums road

© Hors-Cadre / Nouvelle Toile
Genre : Drama
Type : Docu-drama
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Feature
Running time : 68 (in minutes)

Adilse is twenty. He lives in the slums of Paris. His life is a mix of hanging around in the hood and fixing motorbikes. That day, his grand-father has disapperead, he's outside to search him…

France, 2011, Documentary & Drama, Black & White, 1h08 min

Tarek Aggoun, Mourad Boudaoud, Presylia Alves, Moussa Barry.

Guest stars
Fadila Belkebla, Hocine Ben, Fatsah Bouyahmed, Didier Daeninckx, Mourad Khima, Thomas Pitiot et David Seigneur

Directed by
Carine May and Hakim Zouhani

Written by
Carine May and Hakim Zouhani

Directors Of Photography
Benoit Torti and Marianne Tardieu

Philippe Schillinger and Clément Maleo

Nadège Kintzinger

Menahan Street Band and Otros Aires

Produced by
Hors-Cadre / Nouvelle Toile


5 files


3 files


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of