SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture


Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Short
Running time : 22 (in minutes)

Approaching the rainy season, Yaadikoone, a nine-year-old boy, accidentally brokes his house's roof with his soccer ball. Yaadi decides to fix himself this damned roof. In his quest, he learns the story of another "Yaadikoone", a famous 50's bandit, remembered in the popular memory as the Senegalese Robin Hood…

A film by Marc Picavez

Senegal / France, 2016, short narrative, 22 mins

starring Baye Doudou BARRY, Arame MARIKO, Cheikh Anta DIONGUE

Duration: 22'
Year: 2016
Visa: 139 034
Shooting format: HD
Screening format: DCP 5.1- Color - 16/9

Written and directed by Marc Picavez.
Cinematography: Rémi Mazet
Sound Designer : Jérémie HALBERT
Sound Mix : Emmanuel CROSET
Editing: David Zard
Original soundtrack: Carla PALLONE

Baye Doudou BARRY (Yaadi),
Arame MARIKO (Rama),
Cheikh Anta DIONGUE (Ndongo),
LAC DE GUIERS 2 (Grand Yaadi),
Bilal FALL (Papi),
Ami GUEYE (Fatou),
Seydou CAMARA (Ami Ndongo),
Fallou KEITA (Doublure Yaadi)
and the citizens of Rufisque and Dakar

Production :
Les Films Sauvages - Jean-Christophe SOULAGEON
and Cinekap - Oumar SALL
in association with MAKIZ'ART and CINE MASS COOP
With the participation of CNC, of the PROCIREP ANGOA, of FRANCE TELEVISION of the RÉGION DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE and the help from the Bureau d'accueil des tournages des Pays de la Loire

LES FILMS SAUVAGES - 33 rue de Clichy 75009 PARIS
Tél : 01 42 29 55 04 - cinema@filmsauvages.com

Clermont-Ferrand - Compétition nationale 2016
Travelling Rennes - Compétition internationale Urba Ciné
Ciné en Herbe - Compétition
Ptit Clap - Compétition 8-12 ans
Huesca International Film Festival - Compétition internationale
FILMETS Badalona film festival - Compétition internationale
Prototype (Paris) - Hors compétition
Postira seaside (Croatie) - Compétition internationale
Lucas Film Festival (Francfort) - compétition 8+
Ischia film festival (Italie) - compétition internationale
Portobello Film Festival (Londres) - Compétition internationale
Jameson Cinefest (Hongrie) - Compétition internationale
Ateliers d'Angers (Premiers plans, France)
Molodist Kiev (Ukraine)
15ème festival d'Almeria (Espagne) - Compétition internationale
Brussels children film festival (Belgique) - Compétition internationale
Festival Tournez Court (Saint-Etienne) - Compétition internationale

TV Broadcast: France 3

Source: http://marcpicavez.com/films/yaadikoone/


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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