SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Ensemble Culturel Les Griots Noirs du Togo

© griotsnoirsdutogo
Rue Boloumodji
Tel. : 00228 946 37 07 | 00228 928 18 87
Fax : 00228 330 45 99
Contact by email

The Ensemble The Griots Black Cultural Togo's is a drinker and a cultural place for cultural exchange of choice for children, youth and adult students and students. They are blessed and many students and those students who have and continue to allow this great artistic whole to achieve its goals nationally and internationally. The Ensemble The Griots Black Cultural Togo is a group of young dynamic that continues to surprise and amaze positively by: - his plays, skits, storytelling, poetic montages, traditional dances of Africa and elsewhere; - its TV series; - his paintings; - Salsa music gig live; - his International Festival of Tale in Togo (FESCONTE)...


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of