Akosua Adoma Owusu

© courtesy Locarno 2019
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Akosua Adoma Owusu is a Ghanaian-American filmmaker, producer, and cinematographer whose films address the collision of identities. Interpreting the notion of "double consciousness," coined by sociologist and civil rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois to define the experience of black Americans negotiating selfhood in the face of discrimination and cultural dislocation, Owusu aims to create a third cinematic space or consciousness. In her works, feminism, queerness, and African identities interact in African, white American, and black American cultural environments.
Named by Indiewire as one of 6 pre-eminent Avant-Garde Female Filmmakers Who Redefined Cinema, she was a featured artist of the 56th Robert Flaherty Film Seminar programmed by renowned critic and film curator Dennis Lim. Owusu has exhibited worldwide including at the Berlinale, Rotterdam, Locarno, Toronto, New Directors/New Films (New York), and the BFI London Film Festival. She has won numerous fellowships and grants including from the Guggenheim Foundation, Westridge Foundation, Knight Foundation, Creative Capital, MacDowell Colony, Camargo Foundation and most recently from the Residency Program of the Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia. Currently, she divides her time between Ghana and New York, where she works as an Assistant Professor at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.

Her film Kwaku Ananse won the Africa Movie Academy Award in 2013. The Locarno Festival 2019 awarded her the Premio Medien Patent Verwaltung ("Pardi di domani Concorso internazionale", category) for her experimental short film AG White Afro.

Akosua Adoma Owusu is represented by Andrew Farber at Farber Law LLC.



Geboren 1984 in Alexandria, USA. Studierte Kunst und Medienwissenschaft an der University of Virginia und anschließend Film und Kunst am California Institute of the Arts. Owusus Filme gewannen zahlreiche Preise auf internationalen Festivals. Kürzlich wurde sie von „Indiewire"zuden sechs herausragenden Avantgarde-Filmemacherinnen gezählt, die das Kino neu definieren. Akosua Adoma Owusu ist Alumna von Berlinale Talents. Sie lebt und arbeitet in den USA und Ghana.
Quelle / Source : www.berlinale.de/external/de/filmarchiv/doku_pdf/201605738.pdf

Akosua Adoma OWUSU, geboren 1984, ist eine ghanaisch-amerikanische Filmemacherin. Ihre Filme thematisieren den Identitätskonflikt, insbesondere denjenigen von afrikanischen Emigranten, die in Amerika ein dreifaches Bewusstsein entwickeln. Sie wurde von Indiewire als eine der sechs herausragenden "Avantgarde-Filmemacherinnen, die das Kino neu definiert haben" eingestuft. Ihre Werke werden weltweit gezeigt, u.a. im Centre Pompidou, an der Berlinale, in Rotterdam, Locarno, Toronto, am New Directors/New Films (NY) und am BFI in London. Ihr Film Kwaku Ananse gewann den Africa Movie Academy Award 2013. Ihr Kurtzfilm White Afro gewann den Premio Medien Patent Verwaltung (2019 Locarno Festival).

2019 - White Afro
2019 - Pelourinho: They Don't Really Care About Us
2018 - On Monday of Last Week
2018 - Mahogany Too
2016 - Reluctantly Queer
2014 - Bus Nut
2013 - Kwaku Ananse
2012 - Split Ends, I Feel Wonderful
2011 - Drexciya
2009 - Me Broni Ba
2007 - Intermittent Delight
2005 - Ajube Kete

Quelle: www.locarnofestival.ch/de/pardo/program/person.html?pid=599866&eid=72



Regista ghanese-americana.

Nata nel 1984, Akosua Adoma OWUSU è una regista ghanese-americana che con il suo cinema affronta il conflitto delle identità e in particolare la posizione dell'emigrato africano, che in America sviluppa una coscienza triplice. È stata classificata da IndieWire fra le sei maggiori "Registe di avanguardia che hanno ridefinito il cinema". I suoi film sono stati programmati in tutto il mondo in sedi quali il Centre Pompidou, la Berlinale, i festival di Rotterdam, Locarno, Toronto, New Directors/New Films (NY) e il London Film Festival (BFI). Con il corto Kwaku ananse ha vinto l'Africa Movie Academy Award nel 2013. Il corto White Afro ha vinto il Premio Medien Patent Verwaltung (2019 Locarno Festival).

2019 - White Afro
2019 - Pelourinho: They Don't Really Care About Us
2018 - On Monday of Last Week
2018 - Mahogany Too
2016 - Reluctantly Queer
2014 - Bus Nut
2013 - Kwaku Ananse
2012 - Split Ends, I Feel Wonderful
2011 - Drexciya
2009 - Me Broni Ba
2007 - Intermittent Delight
2005 - Ajube Kete

updated by Thierno I. Dia, on 18 sep 2019.


28 files


6 files

Recurring events

1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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