SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Foued Mansour

© Unifrance
Film director, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

He was born in Paris in 1974 to North African parents. He developed his taste for reading and the cinema from a very young age, writing short screenplays. After a Degree in Geography he decided to dedicate himself to filmmaking. In 2004, he made his first short film, Yvan le prévisible, and in 2005 his second one La barrière des préjugés. He has made several institutional films and is currently working on a documentary on the subject of North African immigration to France in the 1960s and 70s.

2004 - Yvan le prévisible, cm / 2005 - La barrière des préjugés, cm / 2009 - La raison de l'autre, cm


Nasce nel 1974 a Parigi da genitori tunisini. Sviluppa fin da giovane il gusto per la lettura e per il cinema scrivendo piccole sceneggiature. Dopo una Laurea in Geografia decide di dedicarsi completamente alla regia. Nel 2004 realizza il suo primo cortometraggio, Yvan le prévisible, e nel 2005 il secondo La barrière des préjugés. Realizza diversi film istituzionali e lavora attualmente a un documentario sul tema dell'immigrazione maghrebina in Francia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta.

2004 - Yvan le prévisible, cm /
2005 - La barrière des préjugés, cm /
2009 - La raison de l'autre, cm
2011 - Un homme débout, cm /
2012 - La dernière caravane, cm



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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of