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Isaano Rwanda Culture

Lotfi Achour

© Par Myriam Chabbi - Travail personnel, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52507628
Film director, Theatre director, Actor, Screenwriter, Theatre director
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

He was born in Tunis. Since training as an actor at the Institut d'Etudes Théâtrales in Paris, he has lived and worked in France and Tunisia. He also studied directing and documentary-making techniques at the Ateliers Varan in Paris. He has staged about twenty plays and was Director of the theatre of Grenoble from 2000 to 2004. He also participated with an installation in the White Night of Paris in 2006. Ordure (2006) is his first film.
Lotfi Achour is a cinema and theatre director. His last show was co-produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company for the London Olympics. In cinema, Lotfi has directed four short films awarded at dozens of festivals. "Law Of The Lamb" was nominated in the official competition at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival and also competed for the 2017 Oscars. "Burning Hope" [2016] is Lotfi Achour's first feature film.

Filmography (excerpt)
2006 - L'ordure, short
2013 - Père, short
2016 - La Laine sur le dos (Law Of The Lamb), short
2016 - Demain dès l'aube (Burning Hope), first feature
2021 - Angle mort (Blind spot) [CM animation]
2024 - Les Enfants rouges | Red Path, 2nd Feature



Nasce a Tunisi. Dopo un formazione da attore conseguita all'Institut d'Etudes Théâtrales à Paris, vive e lavora tra Francia e Tunisia. Ha inoltre studiato regia e tecnica del documentario agli Ateliers Varan a Parigi. Ha messo in scena una ventina di pièce teatrali ed è stato Direttore del Teatro di Grenoble dal 2000 al 2004. Ha anche partecipato con un'installazione alla Notte Bianca di Parigi nel 2006. Ordure è la sua opera prima.

2006 - L'ordure, cm
2013 - Père, cm
2016 - La Laine sur le dos, cm
2016 - Demain dès l'aube (Burning Hope), first feature


لطفي عاشور

لطفي عاشور، كاتب ومخرج ومنتج سينمائي ومسرحي، عمله الأخير الذي صممه للأولمبياد في لندن، أنتج بالشراكة مع شركة مسرح شكسبير الملكي.

في السينما أخرج أربعة أفلام قصيرة حصدت جوائز عدة في مهرجانات دولية، منها فيلمه علوش الذي ترشح للمسابقة الرسمية في مهرجان كان السينمائي الدولي لدورة 2016، وتنافس كذلك على جائزة الأوسكار لسنة ٢٠١٧.

غدوة حيّ أول أفلام لطفي عاشور الروائية الطويلة

Source: 7th Malmö Arab Film Festival (MAFF 2017), Sweden


Lotfi Achour är regissör för film och teater. Hans senaste uppsättning producerad av Royal Shakespeare Company för London Olympics. Lotfi har regisserat fyra prisbelönta kortfilmer. "Law Of The Lamb" blev nominerad i den officiella tävlingen vid Cannes Film Festival 2016 och tävlade även vid Oscarsgalan 2017. "Burning Hope" [2016] är Lotfi Achors första långfilm.

Source: 7th Malmö Arab Film Festival (MAFF 2017), Sweden
Anissa Daoud vann bästa skådespelerska för sin roll i Burning Hope.
Tunisiska regissören Lotfi Achour vann bästa regissör för Burning Hope.


15 files


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

With the support of