SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Isaano Rwanda Culture

Mehdi Hmili

Film director, Actor, Producer, Poet
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv, Literature

Tunisian film director, screenwriter, producer and poet.

He studied film directing in Tunisia and graduated from the Higher Institute of Cinema in Paris. He is an actor, writer and director obtained several awards ans played several roles in theater and films including the movie "White wings of death", winning awards in film festivals and was nominated for the days of European cinema.
He has also directed two films in 16 mm in France, "A moment of guilty" and "Superior" in which criticism of the status of Muslims in France, and the movie "The last midnight", a black and white drama about the difficulty of understanding the human relations.
Mehdi Hmili is also a popular poet, known in Tunisia with his satirical writings in Tunisian dialect.
He also wrote a novel in Arabic, "The horse on the plain."

Mehdi HMILI (Mehdi Hmili) is a Tunisian director, screenwriter and producer. He studied cinema in Paris. He directed three short films in France about love and exile, X-Moment, Li-La and The Nuit of Badr. In 2016 he released his first feature film Thala Mon Amour, a love story that takes place during the Tunisian revolution. He co-founded Yol Film House with Moufida Fedhila in Tunis and produced several award-winning fiction films and documentaries in several international festivals. In 2019, he participated in La Fabrique of Cinémas du Monde at Cannes Film Festival with the feature documentary Fouledh. He directed his second feature film "Streams" (2021, World Premiered at Locarno 2021).
Mehdi Hmili is part of the new wave of young Tunisian filmmakers and he is a major figure in the current Tunisian cinematographic landscape. His production company Yol Film House plays an active role in supporting Tunisian talent and its productions have strong potential for co-production and international distribution. Mehdi Hmili is a Torino Film Lab Alumni. He lives and works between Tunis and Paris.



درس الإخراج السينمائي في تونس و تخرج من المعهد العالي للسينما في باريس. ممثل, سيناريست و مخرج شاب متحصل على جوائز عديدة. لعب عدة أدوار في المسرح والسينما بما في ذلك فيلم "أجنحة الموت البيضاء" ، الحائز على الجوائز والمهرجانات السينمائية و رشح لأيام السينما الأوروبية.
تولى ايضا اخراج فيلمين 16مم في فرنسا ، "لحظة مذنب" و "المتفوق" فيهما نقد لوضعية المسلمين في فرنسا و فيلم "آخر نص ليل"، و هو فيلم من انتاج فرنسي تونسي صور في تونس و باريس و يحكي بشاعرية عن صعوبة فهم العلاقات الانسانية.
وهو أيضا شاعر شعبي معروف في تونس بقصائده و كتاباته الساخرة باللهجة التونسية. كتب أيضا رواية باللغة العربية ، "الحصان على السهل".
و هو يحضر حاليا لتصوير فيلمه الروائي الأول "باكوس"، و هو فيلم من انتاج فرنسي تونسي مصري مشترك ،تدور احداثه في مدينة الاسكندرية.


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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