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Isaano Rwanda Culture

Zineb Sedira

  • Zineb Sedira
© www.lowave.com
Film director, Photographer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Photo

Zined Sedira è nata a Parigi nel 1963. Vive e lavora a Londra. Ha esposto in numerose mostre internazionali, tra cui la Biennale di Venezia (2001), la Tate Modern di Londra (2002), il Centre Pompidou di Parigi (2005), la Triennale di Milano (2008). Nel 2008 ha partecipato a Global Feminism al Brooklyn Museum (New York). I suoi lavori fanno parte di importanti collezioni come: Tate Britain, Victoria and Albert Museum (Londra); Centre Pompidou, FNAC (Parigi); MUMOK (Vienna). ___________________________ Die in London lebende Künstlerin Zineb Sedia wurde in einem Vorort von Paris geboren, wo sich ihre algerischen Eltern nach dem Krieg gegen die französischen Besatzer ihres Heimatlandes niedergelassen hatten. 1986 zog sie nach London und studierte dort Kunst am Central St Martins und später der Slade School of Fine Art und dem Royal College of Art. Zineb Sedira hat ihre Arbeiten auf zahlreichen internationalen Ausstellungen in Europa, den USA und im Mittleren Osten gezeigt, unter anderem auf der Biennale von Venedig (2001), der Tate Britain in London (2002), der ersten ICP Triennale in New York (2003), PhotoEspana in Madrid (2004), dem Centre Pompidou in Paris und der Hayward Gallery in London (2005), der British Art Show 06 in Großbritannien (2006), der Photographers Gallery in London und der Galerie Esma in Algier. Ihre Werke sind Teil bedeutender Sammlungen, so der Tate Britain und dem Victoria and Albert Museum in London, dem Musée d'Art Moderne de la ville de Paris und dem Centre Pompidou, sowie dem MUMOK in Wien. ___________________________ Zineb Sedira was born in the suburbs of Paris where her Algerian parents immigrated to after the War against the French colonial occupation of their homeland. She then moved to London in 1986 and studied art at Central St Martins before pursuing graduate studies at the Slade and the Royal College of Art. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe, the US and the Middle East including the Venice Biennale (2001), Tate Britain, London (2002), the first ICP Triennial in NY (2003), PhotoEspana in Madrid (2004), Centre Pompidou & Hayward Gallery, Paris & London (2005), British Art Show 06, touring nationally in the UK (2006) and solo exhibitions at the Photographers Gallery, London and the Galerie Esma, Algiers, amongst many others. Her work is included in several major collections including Tate Britain, Museum of Modern Art, Paris, MUMOK (Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig), Vienna, Austria, Wolverhampton Arts and Museums, the Pompidou Center, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Arts Council of England and the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow and the FNAC (Fond National d'Art Contemporain), Paris. FILMS Don't do to her what yo did to me (2001) [DVD : RESISTANCE[S] II, Lowave] Sources Johan-Hilel Hamel Lowave (Label), Paris

Biography supplied by the person concerned


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  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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