SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle
Isaano Rwanda Culture

African Pictures Kick-off - Sweet Dreams (dir. Lisa Fruchtman, Rob Fruchtman)

At 12:00 PM / SIFF Cinema Uptown. With free Snoqualmie Ice Cream! After the film, join us for the announcement of our SIFF 2014 African Pictures program.
  • African Pictures Kick-off - Sweet Dreams (dir. Lisa [...]
Genre : Projection | Seattle

Dimanche 13 avril 2014

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

* Projection - Schedule:
13 Avril 2014 / 12:00 PM / SIFF Cinema Uptown

Un groupe de Rwandaises se lance dans le chemin de guérison des blessures du passé (le génocide) et créer leur propre voie pour ouvrir un futur ainsi que le champ des possibles - en créant la première boutique de crèmes glacées dans leur village.
Ces femmes appartiennent au Ingoma Nshya, la première et unique troupe de percussions du Rwanda.

Réalisation : Lisa Fruchtman, Rob Fruchtman, 2012, USA, Documentaire, 1h29.

Pays de production : USA
Pays concerné : Rwanda
Langue : Kinyarwanda, sous-titré
Format: DCP
Distributeur aux USA : International Film Circuit

Après la projection, il sera annoncé le programme 2014 de la section africaine du festival de Seattle (avec le soutien de l'Académie des Oscars).

A group of Rwandan women embark on a journey to heal the wounds of the past and create their own unique path to a future of peace and possibility - by building the first ice cream parlor in their village.

Ingoma Nshya is Rwanda's first and only all women's drumming troupe. Made up of women from both sides of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the troupe offers a place of support, healing and reconciliation. When the group decides to partner with two young American entrepreneurs, Jennie Dundas and Alexis Miesen of Brooklyn's Blue Marble Ice Cream, and open Rwanda's first ever ice cream shop, these remarkable Rwandan women embark on a journey of independence, peace and possibility. Sweet Dreams interweaves intimate, heart-wrenching stories with joyous and powerful music to present a moving portrait of a country in transition.

Directors: Lisa Fruchtman, Rob Fruchtman
Country: USA
Year: 2012
Running Time: 89 Minutes

Language: Kinyarwanda
Subtitles: Yes
Format: DCP
US Distributor: International Film Circuit

Official SIFF 2014 African Pictures Kick-Off!

Following the show, SIFF programmers will announce the 2014 African Pictures lineup and present trailers for the selected films. This is our second year presenting African Pictures, a celebration of the diverse and burgeoning hotbed of filmmaking activity emerging across the continent of Africa. The program is made possible through a multiyear grant from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Événements récurrents

1 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Rwanda : Positive Production

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